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Club Profile - Carluke Camers Club

Carluke Camera Club
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Club Profile

Having been founded in 1977 membership has steadily increased over recent years to its current level of over 60 members. Today Carluke Camera Club is a much-respected name in British photographic circles having regularly represented Scotland at the national championships. Individual members have also gained photographic honours both at home and abroad. For the benefit of its members the club are committed to bringing the very best speakers and judges each year.

Our syllabus has a mixture of Speakers, In-house and High Profile Guests, Competitions and Social Events.  In addition to the normal club nights the club runs workshops for members. We also provide interest groups for Audio Visual, Nature and Portraiture. In effect something for everyone.

Mission Statement
Carluke Camera Club intends that by encouraging and promoting photography as a hobby to its members and the wider community, it will benefit that community by providing it with a vibrant club within its midst.

The club runs training courses on a separate night from the main Club syllabus, one being beginner oriented and the other for advanced members, although you are welcome to attend any workshop regardless of your abilities. There are also other Monday workshops from time to time, dates for these are announced as and when arranged. Full details of the dates and program are posted on the Club website when they become available or see a member of the Committee for details. Advice is always available on an informal basis anytime.

Internal Competitions
The Club is keen that members of ALL abilities enter competitions as this stimulates participation in Club events and develops photographic skills. It is NOT a requirement however, so members need not be dettered from participating in the Club otherwise. The Club tries to ensure that judges comments are always constructive (they are made aware that there are beginners images included) thus ensuring that the beginner gains positive feedback from the experience.

There are two leagues. League 1 is Advanced and League 2 is Beginner/Intermediate. There are four Club competition nights, two Colour Print and Digital File and two Black and White Print and Digital File. There is also an Annual competition in April where entries can currently be submitted in the following themes - Land/seascape; Contemporary; Portrait; Nature, Action & Phototravel.

Hand-in nights are three weeks prior to the competition dates. The website provides entry slips, full rules and information on how to enter your digital images inc. how to size & convert your images, or you can contact the Competition Secretary.

Club trophies and certificates are awarded at the end of the season for Club Champion and Runner-up, League Two Champion and Beginners Champion. There are also awards for the best in each medium (Colour Print, Mono Print & Digital File) for both Leagues one and two, as well as category winners in the Annual Competition. The Annual Competition also has trophies for the Best Print & Best Digital from a League two author, as well as awards for Best Overall Print and Best Overall Digital File from the category winners. The James McDowell Trophy is awarded in the Nature section of the same competition.

External Events
We participate in competitions and events with other Clubs and compete at national level in Scotland and Great Britain. Attending these events and viewing other photographer's work in the 'outside world' can furnish you with ideas and inspiration and is often a rewarding experience.

Club Outings
Outings are organised both on a formal and informal basis. Informal outings often involve small groups of three or four members getting together for a day out. Annually we organise three formal events - Photohunt and Barbeque, Autumn Outing, and Winter Outing.

The Club has a variety of equipment some of which can be borrowed. We have portable studio flash, laptops, a digital projector and calibrators that can be booked-out through the Equipment Convenors. Instruction are given where necessary. Booking forms are available through the website.

Carluke Camera Club

President : Iain S Pollock
Telephone : 07889 527033
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